Siskiwit Bay Sea Kayak Drawings

A series of British-style sea kayaks designed by Bryan Hansel. The Siskiwit Bay series of kayaks are all-around, fast, mid-sized, British-style, touring kayaks. This solid design suits a medium to heavy paddler looking for good initial stability and lots of secondary stability. As the water gets rougher, this kayak feels more stable. It’s a fast design slightly more efficient than most British kayaks in its class.

The following plan drawings are available:

  • Siskiwit Bay: Great modern British-style sea kayak. Built many times.

  • Siskiwit LV: An all-around, mid-sized British-style sea kayak suits a kayaker looking for a boat with good initial stability that is easy to edge and quick to turn.

  • Siskiwit Bay SOF: A framed-style skin-on-frame version of the Siskiwit Bay sea kayak.

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